Bring Together All Your Greatest Moments.

It's more difficult than ever to stand out in a sea of applicants. Whether you're applying to schools, or looking to jump into the work force, students must find ways to separate themselves from the competition.

MyMozaic provides the edge students (and their parents) have been looking for.

By creating a MyMozaic profile, you can prominently display:

  • athletics Athletic & Performance Videos Show the progression of your 400-meter relay
  • certificates Certificates An image of the certificate awarded for organizing the no-bullying rally at school
  • testscores Grades and Test Scores Show that impressive record of making the Dean's list and dominating the SAT
  • musical Musical Pieces Audio of that killer 8th grade trumpet solo that brought the house down
  • resumes Resumes Don't let that resume created for an English project go to waste
  • artistic-wrks Images of Artistic Works The painting that brought tears to your mother's eyes
  • articles Newspaper Links and Articles That article documenting your sophomore performance at regionals
  • much-more And Much More! Such as a pdf of the 10th grade essay that launched a writing career

You are more than grades and test scores.

Getting into the school or career of choice is harder than ever before. MyMozaic gives students the leverage to turn recruiters into fans. Students can distance themselves from the competition with a robust MyMozaic profile.

Create a profile today and turn recruiters into your biggest fans!

Who Can Benefit From MyMozaic?


Take advantage of that parental instinct to brag about your student. MyMozaic serves as an on-line scrapbook, helping you display your son or daughter's accomplishments and talents. Using our digital platform, you can create a highly detailed snapshot to "market" your graduate to potential college recruiters, counselors and coaches.


It's never too early, or too late, to start organizing your achievements. High school and college students can showcase their skills, show off their personality, chart their progress, and connect with recruiters through our unique network. Start impressing recruiters today by creating a profile to chart your success!


MyMozaic saves time and money in your search for the perfect candidate. Build a profile that attracts students and parents to learn more about your organization. Narrow your search criteria to discover candidates with specific skills and accomplishments. Follow and keep in touch with recruits by joining today and inviting them to create their own profiles.


Find out how compiling achievements can get students into the school or career of their choice!