Scholarships » Discussions

Easy Scholarships

  • March 7, 2015
    If there are any easy scholarships that you find out about, please do tell me. :D
    Thank you !!!

    and hi...I'm new!!
  • December 30, 2017
  • Member
    July 6, 2018
    Anyone know what this site is???
  • November 3, 2018
    Niche, CirkledIn, Cappex, Unigo, and DoSomething offer really easy scholarships
  • October 28, 2019
    To Chloe,

    Niche is a collective website, where it shows you multiple websites and scholarships from all over the web. It sources other sites so you can search and apply for different ones all within this one website. I have used a few times, and it a good resource but I wouldn't rely on it completely
  • October 28, 2019
    Scholarship Owl is good as well. I would also suggest to contact your school or go on the school website for your student portal, and many schools have scholarships that are available within your school. When I go to my student portal, I have a tab named, "Academic Works", and it leads me to all of the official scholarships that my school has.
  • March 2, 2020
    Hello, and welcome :)