Andrew Farias's Album: Presentations and Speaking Engagements

Several of the presentations and speaking engagements I have participated in.

Photo 12 of 12 in Presentations and Speaking Engagements

Swipe Out Hunger Student Leadership Summit
I co-facilitated a presentation at Swipe Out Hunger Student Leadership Summit: Seed of Change. The session was titled "Programmatic Hydroponics: How to Grow On-Campus Food Security Initiatives with Sustainable Best Practices."

"In this interactive workshop, student leaders Andrew Farias (Carleton College), Kendyl Lewis (Georgia College & State University), and Meredith Song (University of Minnesota) will engage participants in discussion and activities around providing consistent, encouraging, data-driven marketing to strengthen student outreach; identifying and targeting your message to key student and staff stakeholders; adapting your chapter as you grow; and engaging strategic allies in administration that can transform your ability to create and sustain a meal swipe donation program on campus. Participants will leave this workshop with new knowledge and ideas around these tried-and-true, effective, innovative, and sustainable best practices for their own on-campus food security initiatives."